PB4L ( Postive behaviour for learning)

Sunday 10 May 2015


Why are poppies so special?

When the war stopped
Millions of people were killed in the war and millions more were injured. In the years since 1918 even more people have died in the wars around the world including of course world war 2 But The first world war finally ended after four long bloody years of fighting, on November 11th 1918. The guns stopped on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

About McCray
A doctor called John McCray, who was working to help soldiers in France wrote a poem in 1915 about the poppies growing on the graves of dead soldiers.

World war 1
In late 1914, the fields of Northern France and Flanders were once again ripped open as World War One raged through Europe's heart. Once the conflict was over the poppy was one of the only plants to grow on the otherwise barren battlefields.

The color is important too what does the bright red remind you of Can you see why some people might think that fields of poppies look like fields of blood.


  1. nice work ben but can you please put the poem in

  2. I really like how you explaned about everything and put a slide show in

  3. I really like how you explaned about everything and put a slide show in

  4. I like your purpose : D

  5. I've seen Xander's post and slide which you both did and I like how they're both different.

  6. I've seen Xander's post and slide which you both did and I like how they're both different.

  7. I like your info and slide

  8. I like your info and slide
