PB4L ( Postive behaviour for learning)

Postive Behaviour for Learning( PB4L)

School Wide 
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Introducing PB4L
B4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective. 
The Positive Behaviour for Learning School-Wide framework, otherwise known as PB4L School-Wide, is helping New Zealand schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life. The framework can be tailored to a school’s own environment and cultural needs. It’s not about changing the students; it’s about changing the environment, systems and practices we have in place to support our students to make positive behaviour choices.
Reremoana School was chosen to participate in this programme over the next 3 to 5 years.  A PB4L team with staff & BOT parent reps has been set up to participate in training, analyse results of surveys, gather data to work out how this best fits Reremoana School.

The Principes behind PB4L
The following principles lay the foundation for developing an effective school wide system: 
Behaviour is observable and measureable, 
  (i.e. specific actions that people do). 
Behaviour tends to be triggered by an event around us. 
Behaviour is purposeful and depends on the context. 
Behaviour is controlled, (weakened or reinforced), by what happens after it. 
Managing challenging behaviour is often unsuccessful because we try to manage the what rather than the why.  We can never directly control/manage another’s behaviour, we can only influence it by adjusting the context or improving the skill set. 
We should try to understand the WHY of behaviour.

PB4L shows we can teach children how to behave. If a student does not have the skills, (eg. sharing), we need to teach them. If a child has the skills but can’t show it in some contexts, (eg. will share with friends but not others), we need to review the skill or alter the context. A student may have the skill but does not use it fluently, (eg. will only share sometimes),—we can help them practice and give feedback in a range of contexts.  

As parents, you know that changing behaviour may not happen over-night - but it will happen! Especially when we are all working off the same page! 

The good news is that we can TEACH appropriate behaviour. If a student can’t read we don’t punish them, we teach them—the same applies for social skills and behaviour!

One of the first steps in the PB4L process is to work out what we are already doing and how effective it is. This is done through a survey called SET (School-Wide Evaluation Tool).  This survey was carried out at the beginning of term1 and interviewed the principal, randomly selected staff and students with set questions about school rules and behaviour expectations, reward/punishment processes, monitoring & management of behavioural incidents etc.  

The next tool that has been used is the EBS (Effective Behaviour Support) survey. This is used by school staff for initial and annual assessment of the behavioural support systems in the school. All staff have completed this independently and the results highlight any gaps or inconsistencies for staff in the way behaviour is managed in the school. This information is used to determine priorities and develop an action plan. 

Our PB4L mission statement: 

Through clear and consistent expectations and guided by data, support staff, students and school community, to develop, implement and celebrate positive behaviours at Reremoana School.

Understanding our A B C’s: 

Our ABC’s are visible around all classes and students are able to articulate what they stand for. Each heading is specifically tought in class. This enables a student to identify scenarios they might have to deal with at lunch time or in class. It also gives them confidence, to know how to act and what to do in a situation they find themselves.
This works hand in hand with our School Marix that is spesific to area. eg. How to act safely on the playground.

If you want to know more about PB4L or some of the ideas behind it, just ask one 
of our fabulous teachers or you can check out information and links on the
Ministry of Education website: www.minedu.govt.nz

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